Making gratitude our superpower.

Inner Fire Movement
4 min readJan 20, 2021


GRATITUDE is a popular theme in the world of MANIFESTATION these days.

I often read or hear something along the lines of “ be grateful for what you have and you will attract what you want.”

Hmmmm… I question this.

Here’s an interesting quote:

“Gratitude is merely the secret hope of future favors” — François De La Rochefoucauld

I clearly do not agree with this statement.

To me, GRATITUDE is a STATE OF BEING in which we find ourselves PRESENT, open, receptive, content, and thankful.


Satori, my cat, is a constant reminder that Gratitude is the vibration of LOVE.

When she interrupts my work with her purring and fury body invading my space to be pet, I am immediately encouraged to stop and be PRESENT.

I look at her, in awe of life, as I caress her. I feel LOVE instantaneously.

There is nothing more to do then to be present with her. She is nLowhere else (NOW HERE) but in the present moment with me.

I feel instant GRATITUDE.

BEING grateful is an indicator of how PRESENT we are in our experience.

I know for myself that when I am INFUSED with gratitude for THIS moment, for the journey, for the gift of life, I tend to not want for anything.

Being in the MOMENT is accepting what is given to us NOW.

It’s not about searching to create something better.


I’ve often read that GRATITUDE makes everything flourish. And that got me thinking…

What have I been grateful for in my life that has “flourished”?

I recall, in the past 4 years, how I’ve been more and more appreciative of my friendships. Constantly expressing my gratefulness for being surrounded by incredible people — either directly to those people or to the “Universe”.

I can attest that my relationships have only gotten better and better.

I LOVE my friends, and I am in awe of the love, support, joy, and quality of presence I receive from them daily. Even during these strange times of pandemic and quarantines, I without a doubt feel their devotion.

Having a gratitude practice, for the sheer fun of counting my blessings, has proven to be a wonderful start and close to my day. Similar to my movement practice, I instill “positive” patterns and new ways of moving (in this case thinking) to maintain optimal health and balance.

However, gratitude is a STATE OF BEING. Not a thought. And what makes it so that we attract good into our lives, is how we VIBRATE.


As an example: sometimes I find it challenging FEELING grateful. Let’s say I am focusing on appreciating having a bath. The thought that rushes in not long after is : “Oh, wouldn’t it be wonderful to live next to the beach — then I wouldn’t need a bath. I would rather be by the beach then have a bath!”

Isn’t that funny, that while I am counting my blessings I am focusing on what I don’t have but wish I had — I landslide towards “lack”.

Obviously, in these moments I am not PRESENT. I am in my mind, projecting in the future and then bouncing to the past. I am searching for evidence or reassurance that I am on my way to living by the beach.

I am also mentally reacting to my current situation. I deem it to be “not good enough”.

Using a thought based gratitude practice with the sole intention of changing our current situation is inefficient.

As long as there is resistance or reaction we cannot BE in a STATE of GRATITUDE. We stay stuck in an IDEA of what we would like to FEEL or BE.

Practicing being GRATEFUL for just BEING ALIVE — now there’s a powerful way to create a joyful life.


In order to achieve this, one requires a practice of cultivating PRESENT MOMENT AWARENESS.

This means slowing down, breathing, and developing felt perception through sensing our body and feeling our emotions.

By being PRESENT to what’s happening in the NOW, and by wielding our attention onto our vibrational state, we inevitably gain more awareness.

When we welcome it all with no judgement or resistance, we integrate what is out of balance.

Then gradually, we begin to identify when we are not in a STATE OF GRATITUDE and make the proper adjustment by simply FEELING.

We return to LOVE.

We CREATE a place of inner peace.

This to me is developing our “HUMAN SUPERPOWER”.

